Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Testemunhos Cristãos

Unmasking Satan | John Ramirez | Sid Roth's It's Supernatural:

Do Inferno Para O Céu - CBN News:

Testemunho de um ex-bruxo - John Ramirez:

Buscando Alá, Encontrando Jesus - CBN News:

Os Cristãos Egípcios Decapitados Não Negaram A Cristo:

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Steve Cioccolanti teachings

Steve Cioccolanti

is the author of the Divine Code from 1 to 2020 and From Buddha to Jesus, one of the most influential Christian books in Thailand. His TV program reaches the heart of believers and pre-believers alike in Indonesia. His ministry helps people discover Christ and makes the Bible real and relevant to them. He ministers at Discover Church in Melbourne, Australia.

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